
The following classes are available globally.

  • VSAlertAction is a specialized subclass of UIButton that is used to populate and provide interactive controls to an instance of VSAlertController.

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    @interface VSAlertAction : UIButton <UIAppearance>
  • VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.

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    @interface VSAlertController : UIViewController <UIAppearance>